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Sharing a love of the open road while also giving back

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Legion Riders Have The Best Time

Being an American Legion Rider is about sharing a passion of motorcycles and the open road with your fellow veterans. Legion Riders of Post 100 go on rides together. They enjoy cook outs and just the camaraderie that comes with being a rider.


Our History

American Legion Riders chapters are well known for their charitable work, which has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for local children's hospitals, schools, veterans homes, severely wounded servicemembers and scholarships.


Since 2006, Riders nationwide have participated in The American Legion Legacy Run to annually raise money for the Legacy Scholarship Fund, established to provide scholarships to children of U.S. military personnel killed since Sept. 11, 2001.


Currently, over 110,000 American Legion Riders meet in over 2,000 chapters in every domestic department and in at least three foreign countries. Riders in Iowa have formed an honor guard called The Five Star Freedom Riders, and Riders in Mulvane, Kan., founded the Patriot Guard to protect the sanctity of military funerals from protesters. Riders in all states have escorted military units returning home from combat tours overseas, conducted massive cross-country fundraising events for wounded warriors from all services, and have raised millions of dollars for countless local, state and national charities. 

To Join, Reach out to Riders Director
Dan Smith  214-577-5977

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Our Programs

The Riders are part of many projects and events, including:

  • Rolling Thunder, the annual POW/MIA rally in Washington on Memorial Day weekend.

  • Annual regional rides such as Operation Wounded Warrior, sponsored by Riders in Nevada, Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, California and other Western states.

  • Local charity events in support of The American Legion and local communities.

  • Raising money for VA hospitals, women and children centers, children and youth centers, schools and other facilities.

  • Sponsoring or participating in motorcycle runs to benefit numerous charities.

  • Local memorial ceremonies and community parades.

  • The American Legion Legacy Run, an annual cross-country fundraising ride from National Headquarters in Indianapolis to the national convention city.

  • Riding to honor fallen military men and women, and to protect the sanctity of their funerals from those who would dishonor their memory.

  • Escorting military units to departure airfields and airports for combat tours overseas, and welcoming them home upon their return.

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